This is your final opportunity to practice your introductions. You should practice greeting both one and many people, formally and informally. By now, you should be able to recognize the subtle difference and use the appropriate introduction for the appropriate occasion.
Learning Activities
Activity 1
Here is the Secwepemctsín along with the English translation. This time we greet many people in a formal manner.
Weyt-kp xwexwéytep– Hello(to many people) everyone
(your name) ren skwekwst – (name) is my name
Te (place you are from) re st̓7é7kwen – Kamloops is where I am from
Once you are confident speaking your introduction move on to Activity 2 where you will record and submit your polished introduction.
Activity 2
After all the practice you have done, it is time to hear how it compares to people who have been speaking it. Use the button below to record your introduction.
Listen to it.
How do you sound?
You should keep practicing and expanding your introductions. We encourage you to be confident and use your Secwepemctsín introduction in your classes, in your presentations, or anytime you meet people. You may not be a native speaker, but it is through all of us that we share and celebrate the language. This is one way that we can all honour Secwépemc culture.