Welcome to the basics of Secwepemctsín, the Secwépemc language. This course will enable you to introduce yourself in Secwepemctsín as well as learn the sounds of the alphabet to enable you to read Secwepemctsín.
It is important to recognize that although this is an introduction to a language, it is also an introduction to the basic values of Secwépemc people. In order to speak the language, you must understand the three basic values of Humility, Integrity, Respect, and Kindness.
To subscribe to these values, you must be humble when talking about yourself without giving the impression that you are above another. You must be honest and value other people’s abilities within a community. You must respect the elders who have gained knowledge and experience to make you a better person. We must always respect to what is given to us. It is not ours by right. As people, we treat others with kindness.
As you make your way through this introductory course, we encourage you not to be shy about trying or making mistakes. You will not get it on the first try. Even fluent speakers get it wrong sometimes. As with learning any language, practice is crucial to success.

Lesson 1 is divided into 2 topics:
- Topic 1: Introductions
- Topic 2: Secwepemcúl̓ucw – the map and place names of local First Nations bands
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this unit you should be able to:
- Introduce yourself in Secwepemctsín.
- Recognize the Secwépemc territory